Parish of Almancil

Improve information and make it accessible to citizens is a way to promote their active participation in social and political life.

On the 22nd of October 2015 the Cooperative ECOS, together with the Almancil Parish Council and AGAAGB Association, were pleased to engage citizens, CSOs and local authorities in the debate and information session “Sit with democracy – inform, discuss and question” promoted within the framework of the project “Round-Trip” which took place  at the Lake House in the Garden of Communities in Almancil.

The “Round-Trip”, aims to promote democratic participation, inspiring citizens to participate actively and effectively in public decision-making processes and encouraging local authorities to provide more effective opportunities for citizen participation.

 The local session “Sit with democracy – inform, discuss and question” contributed to inform citizens about different mechanisms and existing forms of participation and launched the debate on how citizens currently participate in the decisions of public life, envisioning visions and ideas on how those could be improved contributing to increase the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes within the parish, county, country and Europe.

Here you can read the report of the activity 

Please check here the program in Portuguese

Please check here the program in English

How this journey begins in ECOS

Round-Trip moments